Thursday, October 13, 2005

Be sure to cover those " NAUGHTY PLACES "

Naughty my ass. What's wrong with the people in this country. I'm talking about the good ol' USA. Land of the FREE, home of the brave. Can't even post a picture of a breast without getting wacked by the thought police.

Take DAZ for example ... you can't even show a nipple in that place. EDIT-- I was informed you can show nipples in the DAZ forum as long as the NUDITY box is checked ... that sounds fair to me, but the point still stands in the Galleries. DAZ isn't the only place where this occurs, there are more forums, they are but the example as it was their site that stirred me up ... read this thread posted there. it was the frosting ....

What's amazing, most of the thought that goes into this censorship is based on Christian attitudes ... you know, the home of the God that made man and women in his likeness. Of course we need to cover ourselves so we don't show those naughty know, the spots that we all have, or not...the nipples, and genitals. The most natural thing about man is his nudity and reproduction. Its a NATURAL state of affairs, not something that is BAD !!! God must be pissed that he made us in his likeness and we're afraid of showing any of his creation. We have to cover all that stuff up. It's BAD !!! BAD stuff.

Little boys and girls have all seen it since birth. Why not explain to them the beauty of it all, instead of introducing them to the forbidden fruit theory and putting them mentally into a guilt trip for the rest of their lives. Or, as happens most often, they sneak around looking and playing with each others genitals, having covert sex when mom and dad are gone, or behind the barn someplace, then little purity runs off to have an abortion. Yep...mighty fine things we teach our kids.

Open up and get real already, you prudes.
Naughty places ...